Pets that require special handling

Pet owners trust us to look after the needs of their beloved companions. We are professional pet groomers committed to delivering the very highest pet grooming service in Pembroke Pines, FL. We strive to offer all our attention, care, and time to each of the pets we serve. We are aware that they are small diamonds in the hearts of their parents. Sometimes they behave inadvertently, and accidents can occur at any part of the process. Even some pets can be carriers of diagnosed or hidden conditions not manifested until now and totally unknown even by their owners. These can be risk factors, being able to present some unusual situations during bathing and/or hairdressing. Our clients must understand that we are not doctors or have an emergency center. Therefore we cannot be responsible for such accidents. Click the slide to See

Pets visiting a grooming for the first time.​
Pets with pre-existing health conditions
Which may present risk factors such as heart disease, coagulopathies, overweight, hypertension, neuropathies, hormonal or musculoskeletal.​
Pets with behavioral problems
Hasper, Aggressive, Very Shy​
Pets with some physical condition
Abnormal growth of any part of the body, absence of any part of the body, with casts or external skeletal fixators, newly operated, in deplorable sanitary conditions, with external parasites such as fleas and / or ticks, or some other condition that is not described in the previous ones.​
Owners who need to be present during the entire grooming process.​
Pets with some physical condition
Abnormal growth of any part of the body, absence of any part of the body, with casts or external skeletal fixators, newly operated, in deplorable sanitary conditions, with external parasites such as fleas and / or ticks, or some other condition that is not described in the previous ones.​
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Pets that require special handling:

“They are all those pets that belong to at least one of those described below. We strive to provide a safer service”.


Contact us if you need further assistance

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